With Birthday season imminent, I figured many would be starting to ask what the girls are interested in. First and foremost, no presents are required 🙂 They would kill me for saying that, wouldn’t they?

Secondarily, they have plenty of toys from Christmas, not to say I am discouraging toys, but they do have just a few. That said, I’ve updated their wish list on Amazon. Keep in mind that many of the links are to the UK and Ireland. Imaginative play runs rampant right now, so lots of play sets are listed.

Not feeling toys? Art supplies are ALWAYS welcome. Whether it be dry erase markers, chalk, paint, crafty kits that they can be creative with, all of that works for us. The kids love coloring and playing with their new easels. Unfortunately we couldn’t find chalk or dry erase markers that were very good, so this is a prime opportunity.

Still not sure? Well, I’m happy to provide the deposit info for their 529 plans (college savings) 🙂 They’d appreciate it in the long run.

And yes, Disney is still ever so popular in our house. Princesses, Winnie The Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse… you name it.

Our plans are to get Reagan a scooter and Caitlin a bicycle. And of course the needed safety gear to go with both. Good thing they are both still too young to read this and have the surprise ruined… although Caitlin has asked for a bike. Specifically pink and purple with a basket for her doll.

We will be having a joint party on the 11th, not at our house this time. Hooray for no clean-up 😉

So there you go!

And now off to catch up with family on Skype…
